Are you looking for love in New Hampshire?
Or are you just hoping to hook up with a hot New Hampshirite?
Either way, we’ve got you covered here.
If you live in New Hampshire, there’s a pretty good chance there are a lot of singles in your area. The Granite State has plenty of people over 18 who aren’t married or in a serious relationship.
That’s great news for people who are single and looking to mingle.
So, where are the best cities for singles in New Hampshire? We used Saturday Night Science to find out.
Table Of Contents: Top Ten | Methodology | Summary | Table
The 10 Best Cities For Singles In New Hampshire For 2024
So, what was the best city for singles in New Hampshire? Manchester ranks as the best place for singles in New Hampshire if you care about things singles care about, like nightlife, affordable housing, and other singles.
Read below to see how we crunched the numbers and how each city ranked. If you live in or are close to one of these cities and are single, you should probably get out more often.
Just saying.
For more New Hampshire reading, check out:
- Best Places To Live In New Hampshire
- Cheapest Places To Live In New Hampshire
- Most Dangerous Cities In New Hampshire
The 10 Best Cities For Singles In New Hampshire For 2024
Population: 115,037
Median Age: 37.0
Married households: 14.0%
Households with kids: 24.1%
More on Manchester: Data | Crime | Cost Of Living | Real Estate

The city of Manchester is a beautiful city. It has great places to eat and shop.
My favorite place is the Mall of NH. There are a lot of nice shops there. I also enjoy the downtown area.
Population: 22,907
Median Age: 36.1
Married households: 12.0%
Households with kids: 18.8%
More on Keene: Data | Crime | Cost Of Living | Real Estate

Plenty of schools for education, parks, bike paths. Events live music in summer
Panhandlers, no public restroom. Broken sidewalks and curbs. Potholes galore.
Population: 32,849
Median Age: 37.2
Married households: 14.0%
Households with kids: 23.8%
More on Dover: Data | Crime | Cost Of Living | Real Estate
Population: 22,138
Median Age: 42.1
Married households: 12.0%
Households with kids: 17.4%
More on Portsmouth: Data | Crime | Cost Of Living | Real Estate
Population: 90,943
Median Age: 40.1
Married households: 8.0%
Households with kids: 26.5%
More on Nashua: Data | Crime | Cost Of Living | Real Estate
Population: 14,515
Median Age: 38.5
Married households: 12.0%
Households with kids: 18.0%
More on Lebanon: Data | Crime | Cost Of Living | Real Estate

Very little crime, good schools. Traffic at it worst is mild.
Excellent hospitals. good restaurants. Fair theaters and nice parks
Population: 16,898
Median Age: 43.7
Married households: 20.0%
Households with kids: 22.9%
More on Laconia: Data | Crime | Cost Of Living | Real Estate
Population: 11,994
Median Age: 38.1
Married households: 19.0%
Households with kids: 30.1%
More on Somersworth: Data | Crime | Cost Of Living | Real Estate

I have been a resident of Somersworth, NH for nearly three years now. I *chose* to live here, for 1,000 reasons that do not fit these narrow-minded metrics. However, I will not take issue with that. What I will dissect is the text written here about my chosen home.
According to the chatter weve read on forums, this ranking is valid. People complain about drug dealing, s*x clubs and other nefarious behavior. Fact is, Somersworth is the second most dangerous city you can live in New Hampshire.”||||-“Chatter we’ve read on forums.” Is this the scientific research that you speak of- Nice.
“Theres a lot of Section 8 housing here, and apparently, you have to stay away from certain areas of downtown.There was a murder in town in 2013, and you have a 1 in 25 chance of being the victim of a robbery, most likely a car or home break in. Yikes.”
I love the scientific correlation between Section 8 and rampant crime. Gosh, those Section 8 tenants should just be dropped off into the ocean and the world would be a better place. Oh shoot – that’s in Portsmouth. G*d forbid someone who was down on their luck wander a toe over into the precious mecca of everything awesome and beautiful. ||||”The fact remains there are far better options if you want to commute into Portsmouth.”
Speak of the devil! Well, you know life would have many far better options if the entire populous of Somersworth received a 500% pay grade increase. Perhaps instead of fleeing the treacherous wastelands described here, those shiny new tax dollars could go into making Somersworth shiny and beautiful.”
Population: 32,573
Median Age: 43.3
Married households: 19.0%
Households with kids: 24.6%
More on Rochester: Data | Crime | Cost Of Living | Real Estate
Population: 13,018
Median Age: 44.1
Married households: 19.0%
Households with kids: 22.1%
More on Claremont: Data | Crime | Cost Of Living | Real Estate

If a person is looking to move to a state for a growing family, NH is probably not for them. Only those of us with professional occupations can even get a decent job here, and then nowhere near the pay youd get elsewhere. Hubby and I moved to Colebrook when we each got out of the Air Force we only stayed there a year, as that place didnt even have a national store chain of any kind. We then moved to Claremont, where we raised our kids for the next 10 years. I am a nurse, hubby was a lab tech at the time, so finding jobs was very easy. We love that our children grew up with great schools, clean neighborhoods, and nice people. I feel I should mention that were a multiracial family, but never got nasty looks, etc. for it.
Methodology: How do you determine which city is best for singles in New Hampshire anyways?
To give you the places in New Hampshire which are best for singles to find one another, we used Saturday Night Science to look at a handful of metrics. Of course, we want to measure the type of people who live in each city and make some assumptions about what single people like.
So we researched the internet for a database that contains all that information.
We threw a lot of criteria at this one to get the best, most complete results possible. Using the 2018-2022 American Community Survey Census data produced for the state of New Hampshire, we looked at every single city in the state. We paid particular attention to:
- Population density
- % of population that’s male vs. female (closer to a 50-50 ratio is better)
- % of households with kids
- Median age
- Number of unmarried people in each city
We then gave each city a “Singles Score.”
The higher the score, the better the city is for singles to find one another. We also limited our results to cities with over 8,000 people. For New Hampshire, that meant a total of 13 cities.
We updated this article for 2024. This is our tenth time ranking the best cities for singles in New Hampshire.
Read on to see why Manchester is the talk of the town while Berlin is probably a bit on the bland side.
Summary: The Best Cities for Singles in New Hampshire for 2024
If you’re looking for a breakdown of cities in New Hampshire ranked by criteria that most agree make a place a great spot for finding a single person (and potentially love), this is an accurate list.
The best cities for singles in New Hampshire are Manchester, Keene, Dover, Portsmouth, Nashua, Lebanon, Laconia, Somersworth, Rochester, and Claremont.
Here’s a look at the most boring cities in New Hampshire according to the data:
- Berlin
- Franklin
- Concord
For more New Hampshire reading, check out:
- Best Places To Raise A Family In New Hampshire
- Safest Places In New Hampshire
- Worst Places To Live In New Hampshire
Best Cities For Singles In New Hampshire
Rank | City | Population | Median Age | % Married Households | % Households /w Kids |
1 | Manchester, NH | 115,037 | 37.0 | 14.0% | 24.1% |
2 | Keene, NH | 22,907 | 36.1 | 12.0% | 18.8% |
3 | Dover, NH | 32,849 | 37.2 | 14.0% | 23.8% |
4 | Portsmouth, NH | 22,138 | 42.1 | 12.0% | 17.4% |
5 | Nashua, NH | 90,943 | 40.1 | 8.0% | 26.5% |
6 | Lebanon, NH | 14,515 | 38.5 | 12.0% | 18.0% |
7 | Laconia, NH | 16,898 | 43.7 | 20.0% | 22.9% |
8 | Somersworth, NH | 11,994 | 38.1 | 19.0% | 30.1% |
9 | Rochester, NH | 32,573 | 43.3 | 19.0% | 24.6% |
10 | Claremont, NH | 13,018 | 44.1 | 19.0% | 22.1% |
11 | Concord, NH | 44,049 | 40.1 | 18.0% | 25.0% |
12 | Franklin, NH | 8,746 | 44.8 | 22.0% | 23.4% |
13 | Berlin, NH | 9,485 | 44.2 | 23.0% | 25.4% |