The 10 Fastest Growing States In The US For 2024

The fastest-growing states in the United States are Idaho and Utah.

Fastest Growing States In America Map

If you live in one of the fastest-growing states in the United States, you might be in a part of America that’s getting too crowded.

The population of the United States increased by more than 2 million people last year. Natural growth – meaning people being born versus people dying – accounted for most of the population increase in America. In contrast, only a tiny part of our nation’s growth was due to immigration.

Across individual states, population growth was far from even. Some states are growing fast, and some states are shrinking. And it’s regional, too. While populations in the South and West are growing, the Northeast and Midwest are not. Everyone thinks that they want to live in California. What with the beautiful beaches, weather, and people?

Here’s a look at the ten fastest-growing United States states for 2024.

Table Of Contents: Top Ten | Methodology | Summary | Table

To determine the fastest-growing states, we simply had to measure the populations of each state from 2010 until now. As we’ll see, some of these states might be surprisingly quickly growing, and some that you think are getting too overcrowded aren’t growing that much. For a complete chart of every state, hop to the bottom.

What’s the fastest growing state in America for 2024? The fastest growing state in America is Idaho. It has grown over 1.71% since 2010 to beat out Utah for the top spot.

But let’s say you’re not into long-term growth but want instant gratification. Who tops the chart, then? Why that would be South Carolina, with a growth rate of over 2% in the most recent year — the only state to break that threshold.

So get ready to sit in traffic as we bring you America’s fastest-growing states. Or feel free to take a detour to the safest or best states in the country.

Or if you’re not moving an inch, check out:

Scatter Graph Of The Fastest Growing States For 2024

The 10 Fastest Growing States In The US For 2024

1. Idaho

Idaho|Id, ID

Source: Wikipedia User | CC BY-SA 3.0

Population: 1,938,996
Population 2010: 1,571,010
Absolute Change: 367,986
Percent Change: 23.4%
More On Idaho: Data | Rent

Next up on our expanding expanse takes us to Idaho. Idaho? Yes, Idaho. Here in Idaho, the population has grown a very rapid 23.42% since 2010. But the people in Idaho will tell you – Idaho’s closed.

Now, let’s compare Idaho’s growth rate to that of America’s slowest growing state, West Virginia. Actually, West Virginia is going backwards. The Mountain State has lost 1% of its state population in the same time frame. To put THAT into perspective, the next slowest growing state is Vermont, which has lost .25% of its population. So West Virginia is by far the state that’s losing the most people. West Virginia is the only state where more people died than were born AND is the only state where more people moved away than moved to it. West Virginia has one of the oldest populations of any state, has the highest death rate and one of the lowest birth rates in the country.

So no wonder the population’s shrinking.

Back to Idaho – it’s the opposite here. Idaho has a relatively high birth rate, and a third of its new residents moved TO the Potato State. Another interesting note: Idaho’s population growth has coincided with a big decline in unemployment, too. Not sure what types of jobs you’d do in Idaho, but there are plenty of em.

Sorry Idaho! Secret’s out!

2. Utah

Utah|Ut, UT

Source: Wikipedia User | CC BY-SA 2.0

Population: 3,381,236
Population 2010: 2,775,326
Absolute Change: 605,910
Percent Change: 21.8%
More On Utah: Data | Rent

One more Western state as we enter the confines of the always growing state of Utah.

California rejects? No. Mormons.

Utah is growing like a weed. It’s the fastest growing state over the last 5 years, where the population has grown nearly three times the national average. Unlike most fast-growing states, the majority of Utah’s population increase wasn’t because people moved there. It’s due to natural growth. That means babies. Lots and lots of babies. Utah has the largest average family size in the country, and coincidentally, the highest Mormon population of all.

But is it a stereotype that Mormons have a lot of babies. No, it’s true. Mormons make up nearly two-thirds of the state’s population, and the Mormon population typically has 3.4 kids at home, while the average American family has 2.1 kids at home.

Utah is also a very healthy state. So when you have the highest birth rate and the lowest death rate of any other state, you’re gonna grow, just organically.

3. Texas

Texas|Tx, TX

Source: Wikipedia User | CC BY 3.0

Population: 30,029,848
Population 2010: 25,244,310
Absolute Change: 4,785,538
Percent Change: 19.0%
More On Texas: Data | Rent

Hee haw. Time to tussle in the great state of Texas. Here, the population has grown 18.96% which is just massive. But it’s a big state, they can handle it, because everything’s big in Texas, right? It makes sense considering that 5 of the nation’s 15 fastest growing cities are all in Texas.

But why? Well tell you. Blue collar Jobs. Oil. Cheap rent. Cheap land. Low taxes. Diversity. Family values. Good weather. There’s no attitude, and most people are friendly. The rules are less strict here, and well, once you’re a Texan, you stick around, as they say.

It’s also a major destination of our growing Hispanic community, which is growing faster than any other race – although somewhat slower of late. In case you didn’t know, the Hispanic population isn’t growing as fast as it once was. Of course, all of this is putting a strain on Texas’ infrastructure. Roads are clogged, schools are overcrowded, and, well they’re even running out of tacos.

But today, more and more people are putting GTT on their doors as they’re heading to the Lone Star State for good. That’s Gone To Texas.

4. Florida

Florida|Fl, FL

Source: Wikipedia User | GFDL

Population: 22,245,521
Population 2010: 18,849,098
Absolute Change: 3,396,423
Percent Change: 18.0%
More On Florida: Data | Rent

We are heading east for the first time in a long time. This time, we go to the always talked about state of Florida, where the population has grown 18.02%. In 2014, Florida overtook New York as the third most populous state in the country.

Like many of the fastest-growing states, Florida’s rapid population growth was largely due to migration. About 9 in every 10 new Floridians either moved to the state from elsewhere in the United States or from another country. More people move from New York to Florida than any other state.

Of course, there are many many many reasons why Florida is such a popular destination for Americans to move to. It’s hot – too hot actually – taxes are very favorable, there’s a ton to do, and the economy’s great.

5. Nevada

Nevada|Nv, NV

Source: Wikipedia User | CC BY-SA 3.0

Population: 3,177,421
Population 2010: 2,703,284
Absolute Change: 474,137
Percent Change: 17.5%
More On Nevada: Data | Rent

Nevada’s population has grown at a very high clip of 17.54%. Also partly due to — let’s say it together — California rejects. Nevada grew by 0.0052731440000000004% last year alone, so its population’s surging. If we only measured very recent population growth numbers, Nevada would be towards the top.

Despite Nevada’s booming population, it’s economy has shrunk though. It’s entertainment, arts and recreational sectors have gone down, and that’s bad, since Nevada relies on those things the most. But hospitals and schools are opening up at a very fast rate here. Nevada is also towards the top of the states in today’s video in terms of international growth. The desert has become an oasis for both immigrants and younger progressives who want stuff like legal green stuff and liberal politics. It’s also one of the most diverse states, too, a topic we covered not too long ago.

Now, there’s still only 3 million people here, and there’s a lot of room to expand, so you can bet, Nevada is definitely open for business.

6. Colorado

Colorado|Co, CO

Source: Wikipedia User | GFDL

Population: 5,841,039
Population 2010: 5,048,644
Absolute Change: 792,395
Percent Change: 15.7%
More On Colorado: Data | Rent

Alright, one more trip out west for a couple more stops. This time, we park it in Colorado, where the population has grown 15.7% since 2010.

A net influx of 792,395 Americans relocated to Colorado since 2010. The population growth occurred alongside a steep decline in unemployment, too. Just 3.3% of the Colorado labor force is unemployed, tied with Vermont as the sixth lowest unemployment rate of any state. This somewhat interesting summary pointed out that Denver has the 4th most cranes of any other city? It also states that people are moving here for the mountain scenery.

There’s actually a ton of articles written about why so many people are flocking to Colorado.

7. North Dakota

North-Dakota|Nd, ND

Source: Wikipedia User | CC BY 3.0

Population: 778,912
Population 2010: 674,526
Absolute Change: 104,386
Percent Change: 15.5%
More On North Dakota: Data | Rent

Where is our seventh fastest growing state in America? North Dakota. What in tarnation? North Dakota’s population has surged nearly 15.48% since the turn of the last decade, which is far and above everyone else. When I was a kid growing up, my grandpa Lou used to tell me I was growing so fast, he’d have to put a brick on my head.

North Dakota needs a brick on their head.

Most of or part of that reason has been the huge uptick in the number of blue collar jobs here. Particularly, the oil and natural gas boom. People have come from all over to enjoy amazing pay, low cost of living and a sense of purpose. Then, when the gig is up, they stick around and enjoy the state’s freedoms like legal gambling. Because of all the drilling profits, the state picks up the tab for a lot of stuff so taxes are low. And college kids who graduate around these parts are actually not fleeing North Dakota like they used to. So, now it’s cool to live in North Dakota?

Now there’s still only 778,912 people here, which is basically the size of Seattle, and if the oil and gas dries up, you can bet things will change, but for now, North Dakota is the bees knees.

8. Washington

Washington|Wa, WA

Source: Wikipedia User | GFDL

Population: 7,784,477
Population 2010: 6,743,226
Absolute Change: 1,041,251
Percent Change: 15.4%
More On Washington: Data | Rent

We’re not leaving the west coast for a while, so buckle your seatbelts and stop texting and driving. Our next stop is the state of Washington. Washington’s population has increased by 15.44% since the last decade. Washington’s strong population growth has been accompanied by a substantial increase in GDP, which has grown at an average rate of 2.2% a year — the fourth fastest pace of any state.

Washington’s information sector — which includes industry giants Microsoft, Amazon, and Expedia — grew faster than in any other state other than Pennsylvania over that period. Washington is also one of three states on this list with the highest international growth. Meaning a lot of people are moving to Washington from other countries.

Did you know Seattle has been the nation’s fastest growing city in America for five straight years?

9. Arizona

Arizona|Az, AZ

Source: Wikipedia User | CC BY 2.0

Population: 7,365,684
Population 2010: 6,408,312
Absolute Change: 957,372
Percent Change: 14.9%
More On Arizona: Data | Rent

We’re gonna stay on the west side of the country as we visit our ninth fastest growing state, Arizona. Arizona’s population grew by 14.94%, more than twice the national population growth rate. Much of Arizona’s growth was due to new residents migrating to the state. Arizona is the 4th most popular place where other Americans are moving to.

For the third year in a row, Maricopa County led the way of all US counties for population growth. This includes cities like Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale, Tempe, and Glendale.

But why out west? A number factors affect migration patterns throughout the US. Americans move for economic and educational opportunities as well as quality of life factors such as a warm climate and cost of living. Arizona meets that criteria – it’s relatively affordable, its midsize cities have decent school systems and there are a decent number of jobs here.

Arizona is just one example of how there are simply more Americans moving from the Northeast and Midwest to the South and West.

10. South Carolina

South-Carolina|Sc, SC

Source: Public domain

Population: 5,282,955
Population 2010: 4,635,943
Absolute Change: 647,012
Percent Change: 14.0%
More On South Carolina: Data | Rent

South Carolina doesn’t seem like a place that’s growing that fast, and maybe that’s why it ranks tenth on the list — just barely breaking onto the fastest growing for 2024.

It might also have to do with the lack of one really big city in the state. North Carolina neighbors to the North have Charlotte and Raleigh. There’s Atlanta to the south. But South Carolina’s largest city? Charleston at about 135,000 people ranks only in the top 200-300 biggest in the country. So it doesn’t have any big city name recognition.

That being said, it’s easy to see why people would want to live in South Carolina. Its central location on the East Coast provides easy access to the big cities mentioned, it has a ton of beaches, and the weather is about as moderate as you can get in the US. So it’s a great place to live with plenty to see and do — and worth of a spot on the top ten.

Methodology: How did we determine the fastest growing states in the United States for 2024?

To determine the fastest-growing states in the United States, we looked at the estimated population of each state from the 2010 Census and compared that against data from the St. Louis Fed Estimate for the most recent data year, 2022.

We then calculated the percent change change in the population for each of the states. Finally, we ranked each state from highest percent population change to lowest percent for that 14 year period.

What state is growing the slowest? The state growing the slowest is West Virginia — where over 1% of the population has left this decade. That’s nearly 4x as many people as the next closest state — Illinois. We updated this article for 2024. This list is our tenth time ranking the fastest growing states in America.

Summary: The States Everyone Is Moving To For 2024

The fastest-growing states in America are the states in our fine country where people are moving to – or multiplying the fastest. Or both. After measuring the percentage change in population since the beginning of the decade, these states came out on top with Idaho as the state everyone wants to call home.

The fastest-growing states in the US are Idaho, Utah, Texas, Florida, Nevada, Colorado, North Dakota, Washington, Arizona, and South Carolina.

So, if you’re in one of the states we discussed and feel the pinch, it’s not just you.

If you’re looking for somewhere to move and want to follow the crowd, be a sheep and do just that. And if you’re looking to move and want to blaze a trail, head to places like West Virginia, Vermont, Illinois, Wyoming, and Mississippi. As always, let’s show the states that are growing the least – or, in this case, shrinking. West Virginia has shrunk since the last official census, and both Illinois and Mississippi have also both lost a few people, too:

  1. West Virginia
  2. Illinois
  3. Mississippi

Why are so many people leaving West Virginia and Illinois? Let us know in the comments below.

For more reading, check out:

Population Change By State In The United States For 2024

RankStatePopulation NowPopulation Last YearPopulation 2010% Change Since 2010# Change Since 2010
7North Dakota778,912777,982674,52615.5104,386
10South Carolina5,282,9555,193,8484,635,94314.0647,012
14North Carolina10,695,96510,567,1009,558,91511.91,137,050
15South Dakota909,869896,299816,32511.593,544
24New Hampshire1,399,0031,387,4941,316,8726.282,131
28New Jersey9,260,8179,269,1758,803,7295.2457,088
33Rhode Island1,093,8421,097,0921,053,3373.840,505
41New Mexico2,113,4762,116,9502,064,7562.448,720
45New York19,673,20019,854,52619,402,6401.4270,560
50West Virginia1,774,0351,785,2491,854,230-4.3-80,195

Fastest Growing Places By State

About Chris Kolmar

Chris Kolmar has been in the real estate business for almost ten years now. He originally worked for Movoto Real Estate as the director of marketing before founding HomeSnacks.

He believes the key to finding the right place to live comes down to looking at the data, reading about things to do, and, most importantly, checking it out yourself before you move.

If you've been looking for a place to live in the past several years, you've probably stumbled upon his writing already.

You can find out more about him on LinkedIn or his website.