If you’re researching the cheapest places to live in Louisiana like I search for beignets in New Orleans, you’re in the right place.
While I’m personally more of a Morning Call guy than a Cafe Du Mond fan, you’ll find plenty of affordable options in the Bayou State. To help you in your research, we used Saturday Night Science to evaluate real estate prices, costs of living, and rents in places with a population over 5,000 in Louisiana.
Put on some smooth jazz, get hyped for being within driving distance of Mardi Gras, and let’s walk through the most affordable places to live in Louisiana for 2024.
Table Of Contents: Top Ten | Methodology | Table | FAQs | Summary
The 10 most affordable places to live in Louisiana
What is the cheapest place to live in Louisiana for 2024? The cheapest place to live in Louisiana is Tallulah.
Many of Louisiana’s most affordable places boast great home prices and safe neighborhoods. These places will free up cash for fun things like buying tickets for a swamp tour in Slidell or spending a long weekend celebrating Mardis Gras in New Orleans.
Check out some more reading about Louisiana and the cheapest places in the country:
The 10 Cheapest Places To Live In Louisiana For 2024
Population: 6,290
Overall Cost Of Living Index: 73
Median Income: $31,070
Median Home Price: $81,815
Median Rent: $594
Ranking as the most inexpensive place in Louisiana is Tallulah, a city in the northeastern part of the state near the Mississippi border. Tallulah has the second cheapest homes for sale in the state, with a median price tag of $81,815. On the flip side, the poverty rate in Tallulah is over 40%, so coming into the city with a job lined up and some savings will really make Tallulah’s affordability stand out. As a bonus, Tallulah is one of the safest places in Louisiana, so you can be sure the city hasn’t skimped on security.
More on Tallulah: Data | Crime | Cost Of Living | Real Estate
Population: 9,623
Overall Cost Of Living Index: 76
Median Income: $29,286
Median Home Price: $74,979
Median Rent: $737
Next up on the list of the least expensive places in Louisiana is Bastrop. The parish seat in Morehouse Parish, Bastrop’s housing market is particularly attractive, with a median home value at the lowest level in the state and a median rent sitting at the eighth lowest.
You can better spend the money you save on housing in Bastrop on higher-quality gumbo and muffuletta ingredients.
More on Bastrop: Data | Crime | Cost Of Living | Real Estate

I agree I live in Bastrop and I will admit that the town has gone down a little since the mill closed but I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as he is making it out to be
Population: 6,701
Overall Cost Of Living Index: 76
Median Income: $46,250
Median Home Price: $85,581
Median Rent: $785
Oakdale ranks as the third cheapest city in Louisiana thanks to its rock-bottom housing prices for both renters and buyers. The median rent in Oakdale is an absurdly low $785/month, which is less than half the average rent in Louisiana. On top of that, Oakdale has the fourth cheapest homes for sale in the state, with a median home price of $85,581. Regardless of your living situation, paying the housing bills in Oakdale is more of a minor inconvenience than a bank-breaker.
More on Oakdale: Data | Cost Of Living | Real Estate
Population: 5,447
Overall Cost Of Living Index: 78
Median Income: $32,781
Median Home Price: $134,241
Median Rent: $667
St. Martinville, located in Cajun country between Lafayette and New Iberia, ranks as the fourth cheapest place to live in Louisiana. It has a median home value of $134,241 and a median rent of $667. The overall cost of living index is 78. According to the data, St. Martinville has index values for utilities, services, and transportation.
You can have affordable fun and learn Creole history at the Longfellow Evangeline State Historic Site or walk in the Cypress Island Preserve.
More on St. Martinville: Data | Cost Of Living | Real Estate
Population: 7,223
Overall Cost Of Living Index: 79
Median Income: $34,725
Median Home Price: $156,551
Median Rent: $795
Located just 15 miles west of Lafayette, Rayne ranks as the fifth cheapest place to live in Louisiana. With a median rent of just $795, Rayne is well below the average price of rent in Louisiana, a state already known for having some of the the lowest rents in America. Taken as a proportion of income, Rayne is one of the most economical places in Louisiana to be a renter. In other words, Rayne is a great place to give Louisiana a chance to wow you before you commit to a mortgage.
More on Rayne: Data | Crime | Cost Of Living | Real Estate

My dad, uncles, aunts, cousins lived in Rayne all their lives and love it. I never had any problems in Rayne. I don’t believe this article is accurate. Rayne, La is a lovely city with great festivals and entertainment. Great food and people live and work here. Thank you….
Population: 10,689
Overall Cost Of Living Index: 80
Median Income: $39,213
Median Home Price: $82,743
Median Rent: $750
Bogalusa gets its name from the local Choctaw language. It means “smoky water.” It’s an apt description, given that the area has a long industrial history. This has included at various times thriving lumber and paper mill operations.
The economy has slowed in recent decades, as some of those once booming companies shut down. That deindustrialization has taken its toll on Bogalusa. The median income now runs a paltry $39,213 and the unemployment rate sits at 11.63%.
Dollars may be scarce in town. But at least you get a lot for the money you have. The area sports the third lowest median home value in Louisiana, with a figure of $82,743. Rents come in at a median level of $750 per month.
Bogalusa is located in the far eastern part of the state, near the Mississippi River. Take a couple minute drive to the east and you’ll enter the state of Mississippi. If you’re interested in history, check out the Robert “Bob” Hicks House, situated in Bogalusa. It was the site of important local civil rights meetings in the 1960s.
More on Bogalusa: Data | Crime | Cost Of Living | Real Estate
Population: 6,666
Overall Cost Of Living Index: 80
Median Income: $39,068
Median Home Price: $97,289
Median Rent: $832
You’ll have no trouble believing that you’re living in one of the cheapest states in America when you move to Franklin. Thanks to relatively high incomes and low home prices, Franklin has the sixth best home price to income ratio in Louisiana. That leaves plenty of money leftover to go shopping in Franklin’s historic district.
Franklin is located 45 miles southeast of Lafayette.
More on Franklin: Data | Crime | Cost Of Living | Real Estate

I also used to live in Franklin and I loved it! I now live in Baton Rouge and the crime rate is much higher here then in Franklin
Population: 5,315
Overall Cost Of Living Index: 80
Median Income: $25,050
Median Home Price: $126,622
Median Rent: $776
In the heart of Lincoln Parish, Grambling shines as Louisiana’s eighth most affordable city, boasting a cost of living index that ranks impressively low at 80. Part of the Ruston micropolitan area, its 5,315 residents enjoy an unemployment rate of 3.39% and a median income of $25,050.
Grambling’s overall cost of living is 14.9% lower than the Louisianian average. That means you can take a weekend trip to Shreveport when the timing is right.
More on Grambling: Data | Cost Of Living | Real Estate
Population: 11,726
Overall Cost Of Living Index: 81
Median Income: $28,827
Median Home Price: $109,244
Median Rent: $612
Following how the crow flies, we end up in Crowley, the ninth most affordable place in Louisiana. Located in Acadia Parish, a manageable 81 overall cost of living index is 13 points lower than the state average. The town ranks seventh best for affordable housing in Louisiana. With salaries outstripping expenses, the average income of $28,827 goes further in Crowley.
Crowley champions cost-effective living. Celebrate savings at their International Rice Festival or take an afternoon at Levy Park with the kids.
More on Crowley: Data | Crime | Cost Of Living | Real Estate
Population: 9,819
Overall Cost Of Living Index: 81
Median Income: $39,888
Median Home Price: $94,670
Median Rent: $773
Jennings, a stone’s throw from Lake Charles in Louisiana, ranks as the tenth best spot for affordability. Low living costs, at just 13.8% of the state average, pair with affordable housing. Jennings holds the fifth lowest median home value and ranks 15th lowest for median rent in Louisiana.
The overall cost of living index of 81 is supported by low index values for utilities, services, and healthcare. With a cost of living so low, you’ll have enough for a trip to New Orleans each year for Mardi Gras.
More on Jennings: Data | Crime | Cost Of Living | Real Estate
Cheapest places to live in Louisiana FAQs
The county in Louisiana with the lowest cost of living is Acadia Parish. The average living wage in Acadia Parish is $82,688 according to MIT data. Acadia Parish has the lowest cost of living because it has relatively less expensive childcare and housing costs compared to Louisiana as a whole. Childcare costs $12,765 a year in Acadia Parish for two children compared to the Louisiana average of $13,248. Housing costs, defined as a blend of the average rent and average mortgage payment, are $8,700 per year in Acadia Parish compared to $11,044 on average in Louisiana.
The cost of living in Louisiana is 4.3% lower than the US average. According to MIT, the required living wage for a family of four with two working parents in Louisiana is $85,909 vs the national average for a family of four with two working parents of $89,744. The median income of a Louisiana household is $50,800.
The cheapest housing market in Louisiana is Ville Platte. The average home value in Ville Platte is $67,300, the lowest in the state. The average home value in Louisiana is $168,100, almost 2.5 times higher than Ville Platte.
Methodology: How we determined the most affordable places to live in the Pelican State for 2024
Determining affordability for places in Louisiana boils down to how much it costs to live here.
You need to understand your costs relative to what people in the rest of the state are paying.
With that logic in mind, we derived several cost of living statistics from the latest Census American Community Survey 2018-2022 for Louisiana using Saturday Night Science. We indexed the cost of living statistics across the following categories:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Services
- Groceries
- Healthcare
- Utilities
These are then weighted together to produce an overall cost of living index where 100 is the United States average. Anything below 100 is relatively affordable. Anything over 100 is relatively expensive.
We applied the biggest weight to housing as it typically accounts for 25% or more of your budget. Additionally, housing costs are the highest variant cost across a state. We then compare these cost of living metrics for each place in Louisiana to figure out which is the least expensive.
The “Cost of Living Index” allows you to rank all of the 60 places in Louisiana that have more than 5,000 people from least expensive to most expensive. Any ties went to the larger city.
The place in Louisiana with the lowest cost of living according to the data is Tallulah.
We updated this article for 2024. This report reflects our tenth time ranking the cheapest places to live in Louisiana.
Louisiana Affordabilility Summary
This is an accurate list of the most affordable places to live in Louisiana for 2024, if you’re looking at the cost of living numbers in Louisiana.
The cheapest cities in Louisiana are Tallulah, Bastrop, Oakdale, St. Martinville, Rayne, Bogalusa, Franklin, Grambling, Crowley, and Jennings.
Here’s a look at the most expensive cities in Louisiana according to the data:
- Mandeville
- Youngsville
- Zachary
For more Louisiana reading, check out:
Cheapest Places To Live In Louisiana
Rank | City | Population | Cost Of Living Index | Median Income | Home Prices | Rent |
1 | Tallulah | 6,290 | 73 | $31,070 | $81,815 | $594 |
2 | Bastrop | 9,623 | 76 | $29,286 | $74,979 | $737 |
3 | Oakdale | 6,701 | 76 | $46,250 | $85,581 | $785 |
4 | St. Martinville | 5,447 | 78 | $32,781 | $134,241 | $667 |
5 | Rayne | 7,223 | 79 | $34,725 | $156,551 | $795 |
6 | Bogalusa | 10,689 | 80 | $39,213 | $82,743 | $750 |
7 | Franklin | 6,666 | 80 | $39,068 | $97,289 | $832 |
8 | Grambling | 5,315 | 80 | $25,050 | $126,622 | $776 |
9 | Crowley | 11,726 | 81 | $28,827 | $109,244 | $612 |
10 | Jennings | 9,819 | 81 | $39,888 | $94,670 | $773 |
11 | Eunice | 9,440 | 82 | $37,828 | $115,673 | $768 |
12 | Ville Platte | 6,364 | 82 | $24,341 | $116,096 | $677 |
13 | Marksville | 5,034 | 82 | $33,635 | $125,081 | $719 |
14 | Opelousas | 15,810 | 83 | $34,271 | $122,748 | $722 |
15 | West Monroe | 12,987 | 83 | $47,129 | $184,419 | $794 |
16 | Abbeville | 11,213 | 83 | $39,566 | $150,812 | $749 |
17 | Leesville | 5,681 | 83 | $35,652 | $153,245 | $835 |
18 | New Iberia | 28,363 | 84 | $47,108 | $159,856 | $817 |
19 | Lake Charles | 82,430 | 85 | $54,761 | $188,679 | $1,007 |
20 | Monroe | 47,631 | 85 | $36,550 | $135,375 | $790 |
21 | Sulphur | 21,286 | 86 | $53,606 | $191,566 | $890 |
22 | Pineville | 14,357 | 86 | $51,752 | $185,246 | $830 |
23 | Donaldsonville | 6,799 | 86 | $22,110 | $156,759 | $734 |
24 | Alexandria | 45,133 | 87 | $49,049 | $127,872 | $928 |
25 | Natchitoches | 17,908 | 87 | $34,020 | $179,286 | $737 |
26 | DeRidder | 9,850 | 87 | $56,607 | $142,925 | $936 |
27 | Thibodaux | 15,738 | 88 | $51,704 | $218,065 | $937 |
28 | Minden | 11,789 | 88 | $28,233 | $137,686 | $750 |
29 | Carencro | 10,194 | 88 | $56,352 | $211,544 | $888 |
30 | St. Gabriel | 6,526 | 88 | $55,735 | $258,502 | $854 |
31 | Ruston | 22,282 | 89 | $32,877 | $210,628 | $833 |
32 | Morgan City | 11,373 | 89 | $48,857 | $124,983 | $838 |
33 | Patterson | 5,868 | 89 | $46,189 | $141,190 | $738 |
34 | Baker | 12,463 | 90 | $60,555 | $173,779 | $1,012 |
35 | Plaquemine | 6,218 | 90 | $69,183 | $157,817 | $841 |
36 | Scott | 8,271 | 91 | $55,057 | $193,674 | $988 |
37 | Ponchatoula | 7,805 | 91 | $38,249 | $234,997 | $1,042 |
38 | Shreveport | 186,183 | 92 | $45,967 | $129,604 | $945 |
39 | Westwego | 8,466 | 92 | $43,981 | $139,788 | $943 |
40 | Breaux Bridge | 7,544 | 92 | $45,619 | $170,678 | $876 |
41 | Lafayette | 121,706 | 94 | $58,850 | $215,488 | $1,022 |
42 | Hammond | 20,239 | 94 | $42,049 | $207,291 | $899 |
43 | Gretna | 17,640 | 94 | $47,010 | $205,631 | $994 |
44 | Gonzales | 12,356 | 94 | $66,310 | $268,157 | $1,331 |
45 | Denham Springs | 9,393 | 94 | $85,625 | $240,723 | $1,064 |
46 | Houma | 33,094 | 95 | $56,823 | $183,681 | $910 |
47 | Walker | 6,359 | 95 | $86,446 | $236,329 | $1,259 |
48 | Baton Rouge | 225,500 | 96 | $50,155 | $214,487 | $1,010 |
49 | Addis | 6,779 | 96 | $101,450 | $258,024 | $890 |
50 | Bossier City | 62,971 | 97 | $54,100 | $210,237 | $1,044 |
51 | Slidell | 28,690 | 97 | $63,004 | $224,573 | $1,330 |
52 | Broussard | 13,322 | 97 | $94,912 | $270,303 | $994 |
53 | Kenner | 65,785 | 98 | $60,557 | $228,773 | $1,085 |
54 | Central | 29,518 | 98 | $82,714 | $266,955 | $1,340 |
55 | New Orleans | 380,408 | 101 | $51,116 | $253,741 | $1,162 |
56 | Covington | 11,444 | 101 | $71,719 | $308,256 | $1,321 |
57 | Harahan | 9,043 | 101 | $75,099 | $284,984 | $1,033 |
58 | Zachary | 19,401 | 103 | $88,811 | $261,425 | $1,451 |
59 | Youngsville | 15,990 | 104 | $111,619 | $268,782 | $1,324 |
60 | Mandeville | 13,194 | 108 | $84,886 | $349,833 | $1,225 |